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I'm something of an OSS contributor myself

Committing to Linux seems like a badge of honor... or is it?

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International Programmer's Day - Wednesday September 13th

International Programmers’ Day was launched in 2007 to honor programmers.

Many people observe International Programmers’ Day on the 256th day of the year because "256" (2^8) is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an 8-bit byte, and 256 is the highest power of 2 that is less than 365, the number of days in a year.

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Unity charges developers per install

Unity unveiled a new pricing model that assesses a fee to the developer when a user installs a game built with Unity, the rationale being that Unity incurs some cost when the user does this because they have downloaded and installed the Unity Runtime: Unity plan pricing and packaging updates.

Now instead of review bombing, you can literally bankrupt developers who release bad games! Just install the game 10,000 times.

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A store you can never leave

byu/PhitPhil inProgrammerHumor

Waiting for attendees - please enjoy some engineering humor

xkcd #2261

Before I install any patch, I always open the patch notes and Ctrl-F for 'supervolcano', 'seagull', and 'garbage disposal', just to be safe.